Dogs are awesome animals. One gets so used to them so much that you can not do without them, but what if your dog becomes a burden such that it does not know where to urinate? He does his thing right inside the house. Believe me, dogs urine can really mess up the house! What are those steps you should take to train your dog never to urinate inside the house? In this article, I will share with you what you need to do so that your dog never urinates in the house again!
One thing you should never do when you discover your dog urinates indoor is shouting at it or punish it. Remember they are very sensitive animals and your action could last in their minds. You do not want your dog getting scared every time it wants to ease itself just because you shouted or punished it when he did it wrongly the other time. You need to follow some simple steps to get it trained so that it knows where to do its thing!
Whenever you discover that your dog is urinating inside the house, like I said earlier, you do not need to shout at it or make it feel as if it has set the house on fire. What you need to do is firmly or sternly say no to it. You do not need to be aggressive about it! Know what I mean? Then let it feel appreciated by taking him for a little walk (dogs appreciate this a lot), during the walk, you discover it wants to defecate and is about doing it right there, say your regular command words and show it exactly where you want it to defecate. Normally, if you have been nice to the dog, it will do as you say but dogs are different yours could decide to be stubborn. If it turns out to be the stubborn type, lock it up in a cage for a while (let it know why its been locked) then show some care again by taking him for a walk after sometime. It should follow your orders any other time because it will not like to be locked up.
If your dog is the easy type that follows instruction to the word, make it feel appreciated by patting it, compensating it for orders followed and showing some more appreciation. Remember again that they are very sensitive animals. It will want to obey you more and more so it can be rewarded more and more! Remember the major part of this is to keep watch over your dog so you can nab him in the act (that is very important), if you do not, it might be too late to stop it from that habit. When you nab him in the habit, follow the above procedures.
You can definitely make your Dog do whatever you want it to, all you have to do is get detailed information about how to potty train your dog right HERE
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